The first rule of marketing and advertising is that the product or service has to be seen through promotions. But what do you do when your consumers are invested elsewhere, and not even paying attention to new releases, products, extra services, or even hefty discounts?

That was the situation in the past seven months, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Effect Of The COVID-19 Pandemic

The first case of the COVID-19 virus was confirmed in a hospital in Hubei, China, on November 17, 2019. Fast-forward to July 2020, the total number of COVID-19 positive patients will exceed 12 million in just a few days.

Affecting the economy, unemployment, mental health, education—all sections across the globe– the pandemic has pushed every industry to the edge. The marketing and advertising industries are no different.

Sixty-nine percent of all brands will decrease their ad spending this year, since most respondents have noticed a significant decrease in revenue. However, by reducing their online ad spending and other factors, they’re now putting the money to better use.

By utilizing the different elements to bring us closer as a community, the experts in marketing and advertising are now switching up their tactics.

How Marketing Will Change

Marketers are changing their marketing strategy to create a more human look for their brand.


It’s already a known fact that consumers want to see a human face behind the product. But with the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers want to connect even more. They want to see that their favourite brands don’t just see them as cash machines, or numbers on a revenue chart.

This is why companies like FitBit, Audible, and thousands more received positive praise for not just providing discounts on online services, but also offering premium services for free. This move is paramount to their marketing strategy. They’re practically giving away their services for free because people are becoming agitated while stuck at home. These brands are making this time indoors better.

This sense of togetherness, support, and empathy by popular brands is making them more relatable. It’s also boosting their image because many are switching production to face masks, ventilators, and other necessary equipment. Others are advertising discounts on essential products like hand sanitizers and cloth masks.

From England to Japan to Canada, brands and organizations are also spreading the message about safety and hygiene, the best way that they know how. Using indoor and outdoor signage solutions, digital billboards, video walls, and more, they’re keeping people well-informed on the statistics related to COVID-19, how to stay safe, and what to do.

How Does this Impact the Future?

According to the experts at Clear Touch Media, one element that has been prominent amongst most marketing strategies is human connection.

digital ad

Instead of promoting a product, companies are now creating links between their customers and services. They want people to need their products, and not just want it. Although a difficult endeavour, many are becoming quite creative in managing that scheme.

With the world focused on the pandemic, brands are stepping back and re-evaluating their goals. By bringing their customers into the picture, and by taking their suggestions, they’re building a sharper brand image that will stick with their name for the years to come.

Get in touch with Clear Touch Media today to hire our digital advertising services in Toronto. Work with us to connect with your customers and tell them that you support them in these trying times – we offer indoor and outdoor digital billboard solutions for all your advertising needs.

Call us now for a quote for your marketing and advertising projects or book a free demo of our services.