The hustle and bustle of a busy hospital can be overwhelming, even at times for the doctors and residents working there for about 40—60 hours per week!

So, for a patient or a visitor who may have a hard time adjusting to the atmosphere of a hospital, just making your way through the halls can be challenging. So, how can we help such people in making their visit to the hospital more tolerable?

Something as simple as digital signage can make things a lot easier.

How To Use Digital Signage To Your Advantage

– Reduce Patient Anxiety

Nosocomephobia or the fear of hospitals is a common phobia that makes life difficult for most people who may require medical attention.

So, to start with, hospitals minimize this anxiety and fear by making the process as easy as possible, using digital signage to provide directions to visitors, providing information on where certain departments or wards are located, and how to find hospital staff quickly.

Furthermore, they provide wait times on digital displays while highlighting staff images of caring, friendly people. This goes a long way since people relate more to those they identify.

destination information

– Improve Internal Communications

Digital signage doesn’t just help in making their visitor’s lives easy.

Especially for larger hospitals, using indoor displays gives them a much easier method through which they can keep all the staff updated. Any timely announcements, new assignments, emergencies, schedule changes—everything that needs to be made common knowledge gets displayed on the healthcare communication system.

As a result, the staff stays on top of their work, knowing what to expect next.

– A Cost-Effective Mode Of Communication

Using indoor digital displays and walls, many hospitals use this cost-effective technology to customize their content for each floor.

Using indoor digital screens for lobbies, they provide info on the next patient in and the estimated wait time. They educate patients on how the clinic can help them and broadcast information on how people can handle things during an emergency.

This not only creates a smoother system, but it also keeps patients in the loop so they’re not left wondering who they should go to next or how they’ll get the appointment.

Work with Us!

emergency sign

Clear Touch Media is a leading Toronto company for all indoor and outdoor digital display solutions.

In addition to help companies, large and small, in marketing their products, we also provide digital floor signage services for commercial clients, including businesses and hospitals.

Use our technology to upgrade your medical facility. And get in touch with us if you require kiosks or any additional software. We’d be happy to help you run your hospital more efficiently.